thats a good question so let me explain who i am!! i am d3arest

also known as BEA!!!

and whos that?
im 15, my birthdays on the 13th of oct and i am a artist (I THINK.. not exactly professionally but very passionate in it!!!) and i made this lil website (with struggle) to dump my art onto (o^▽^)o☆,
in this website ive made it so i can post art, comics and shitposts !! I WILL GET THESE FEATURES WORKING I SWEAR !!but what im most interested in posting is the comics!!(despite the ratio of comics to artpeices being very much leaning towards artpeices (@_@)) my artstyle VARIES sometime and im very inconsitent so bear with as ive only been consistiently drawing for a few years :3!!! this website is for fun and i will not be taking it too seriously as of now!! 21/02/2024